The bottom of your shoes contains oil and dirt and the constant contact with your carpet can grind away the surface of your carpet and leave dirt deep in the fibers. 鞋底含有油渍和污渍,而且鞋底经常和地毯接触,导致表面磨光,污垢深深嵌入地毯纤维中。
They slope the grind so that the water can run away. 他们将地面铺得有坡度以便水能流泻。
The slower upheavals grind away over the course of decades, subtly transforming the way we live and work. 而那些较为缓慢的变化则往往持续数十年,在不知不觉中改变我们的生活和工作方式。
Instead it will grind away at its overinvestment and excess capacity, which, with a reversal of the favourable demographics enjoyed since the mid-1970s, will slow growth sharply, but this will coincide with three more favourable circumstances. 相反,中国将下大力气解决过度投资和产能过剩的问题&随着上世纪70年代中期以来有利的人口状况出现逆转,这两个问题将使中国的增长显著放缓。